Monday, August 6, 2007

Things I thought about on 8/06

I was walking around in the Home Depot parking lot today while I was supposed to be collecting carts and I stumbled across a car with a simple bumper sticker, and it read: "I slow for Manatees" with a picture of a manatee. I think that this is one of the most fucking retarded bumper stickers I have ever seen on a car for the simple fact that; when was the last time that YOU had to slow for a manatee. Fucking call me when you do have to slow down to let a manatee cross the road because I would love a fucking picture of that, thank you very much. I have also seen other aquatic animals on "braking" or "slowing" bumper stickers such as dolphins. I believe that people who use these bumper stickers should be clubbed. These are some things that I think of while at work...

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