So I've been to about 26 concerts now in my 18 years and with the festivals and shit I've seen a little over 100 bands. Not exactly seen but been in attendance on their day of performance...Ok well I'm bored so I'm gonna decide on my top 10 concerts that I've been to, I'm probably going to be biased towards my ones in the last two years because those are the ones I can remember better but whatever this is for me if you don't like it fuck off...
1. Chevelle (May 23, 2007) (Who went: Chow and Amberly)- Black Light Burns, 2Cents - I really fuckin' enjoyed this show the best because of my Chevelle love, the crowd was probably one of the best that I've been a part of, if you didn't want to fight you didn't have to really. And then of course there was "Point 1" 

2. Marilyn Manson (August 4, 2007) (Who Went: Chowski, Keith) - Slayer, Bleeding Through - We got there fuckin' early and we just hung out all day and had a good time, people in line were enjoyable, they sometimes are not, we were right up front on the barrier for the whole set. Manson just puts on a killer fuckin' stage show, better than what most do nowadays. Happy Birthday Chowski, too.
3. Nine Inch Nails - February 27, 2006 (Who Went: Chowski) - Saul Williams - Probably my favorite band, love all of their discography so the show was guaranteed to be fuckin' sweet. Played an amazing set and the crowd wasn't as rowdy as expected. Even though I had a broken hand it wasn't bad at all...
4. Third Eye Blind - October 28, 2006 (Who Went: Chowski) - The Upwelling - So the opening band on Jesus Christ on the drums. No lie looked just like him. We were first in line for this show. We were front and center for the show. Second ones to show up were some cute girls so they were definitly good company. Fucking sweet set, play "Crystal Baller" my favorite song, and of course all of the hits.
5. Locobazooka '02 - September 22, 2002 (Who Went: Chowski) - Headlined by Disturbed - Nonpoint, Flaw, Black Label Society, Ra - This is up here because it was my first "real" festival concert. I was 13 years old and Chowski invited my to come along to this show. We worked our way up to the front for 3rd Strike which was badass since I was definitly groovin' to their tunes at the time. I also got to witness thousands of people sing along to all of Disturbed's tunes which kind of moved me inside to be really cheesy right now. I fuckin' fell in love with concert going with this show.
6. Damageplan - April 2, 2004 - Drowning Pool, Hatebreed, Unearth (Who Went: Dad) - My dad and I went to this show. He was diggin' Damageplan because he like Pantera and I was just plain diggin' Damageplan and I loved Drowning Pool. It was amazing to see Dimebad Darell fucking riffing on that stage before he left us all (R.I.P.)
7. Lenny Kravitz - September 11, 1999 (Who Went: My Dad) - Smash Mouth, Buckcherry - Now we actually went to this show for Smash Mouth. They were my favorite all time band at the time and I still dig there tunes. They were touring for the Astro Lounge album with that huge song "All Star" but I loved them since there first album when I was in 3rd grade, I had it on cassette. I was in 5th grade when we went to see them and I didn't know Buckcherry at the time but I do know them now and wished that I did back then but I really didn't understand his lyrics that glorify sex and drug use back then as I do now. Ironically we met up with Tanya and her son Chris there we only said hi to them and moved on we knew them from Cub Scouts at the time and my dad and her ended up dating after my parents split up. Irony. I love it.
8. Edgefest '07 - September 22, 2007 (Who Went: Chowski, Tiffany) - Headlined by Sebastian Bach - Evans Blue, Drowning Pool, Finger 11, Seven Mary Three, Framing Hanley, Cinder Road, and Nonpoint, they all made the fuckin' show for me. Really do I need to say more?
9. Disturbed - November 19, 2006 (Who Went: Amberly) - Stone Sour, Flyleaf, Nonpoint. Wow that puts Nonpoint into three of my favorite shows in my top ten. I loved Stone Sour and Disturbed's set. Disturbed did a pretty sweet medly in the middle of their set that touched on a lot of great songs, it was neat to hear that. Stone Sour blew me away earlier in the year at Family Values Tour and I was pumped to see them up close. We got there pretty early and the people that showed up behind us were a group of UMASS guys that all came from the NA so that was pretty cool it made the day go by better.
10. TooL - July 12, 2007 (Who Went: Chowski) - Big Business - This is in here not because of the bands stage presence that really got my attention but I did love the set list that they played. There was also a drumming duel that happened in the middle of the 18 fuckin' minute rendition of "Lateralus" that I was pretty impressed by.
So creating this list definitly took some time and thought. I didn't think that it would be that amusing for me to recall all this shit but I definitly did like doing this. My first concert was actually when I was 3 I went to Def Leppard on a leash at the Knickerbocker Arena on October 28, 1992. I'm lookin' forward to hella more shows...