Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Buy the Kellogg’s and the bomb is free...

So first of I would like to address the subject of Easter with it just around the corner. I understand taht it’s the celebration of the resurrection of Christ and blah blah blah. I would really like to know where the giant bunny comes into play with all of this. Did he roll the rock out of the way so that Jesus could get out and tell him "Hey Jesus dude, we brought you back with an important mission to hide these crazy colored eggs from the children." I don’t think that’s what happened and if it did would somebody show me that chapter in the bible because I think I might read the book if it was a little more sci-fi.

This brings me right around to religion. I am agnostic person I don’t believe that there is one true entity in the sky that created all that is but I’m not opposed to there being such a thing. Science can neither prove nor disprove the notion of a God so I will leave up to when I die to find out. I just don’t want to devote myself to one cult and say that it is the right one I like to leave my options open until I am holding hands with the Grim Reaper himself.

Why don’t people ever use graffitti to write nice things. It’s always "Lisa G is a dirty skanky whore." or "Mike Silver is a fucking butt fucker" It’s never "Richard is a really cool guy" or "Mary likes to receive flowers" Why are people such assholes all the time. And why do straight guys always call their friends "fags" but I never have heard a gay man call their friends "straight" or "hetero". These are things that fuck with my head at all times.

So Mike Hutchinson one of the ex-lot attendants whom I really grew to hate over the past year now is employed by Best Buy of the Berkshire Mall and yesterday when I went in there it really ruined my shopping experience to see that fuck in there.

I have really enjoyed usuing the term "wench" lately I just fucking love the sound of it. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to use it.

So on the bus from the middle of Pittsfield out the Home Depot about a week ago I met Mario. Mario is a latino man who seemed to be in his late 30’s. He was a very open man. He wanted to talk to me for some reason. It started out talking about working. Then we got onto the subject of "his lady", his words not mine. And his lady is a big girl. On the outside and with a big heart. This guy was just talking and talking. Talking about turning down hot girls when he was out in California and shit. Talking about how he moved to the Berkshires to raise his little girl because it seems that there is no trouble for the kids to get into which I too feel is true. His intentions seemed alright. It was either that or he’s running from the Californian government or some shit. But he seemed like an alright guy none the less and made my 1/2 hour bus ride seem a lot quicker even if it was weird that this dude would just open up to me for the hell of it.

There was a man who stopped me today in the lightbulb area of the depot. He was asking for an indoor grow light for plants for his special closet project "if you know what I mean *wink wink*". Direct quote from the man himself. I know what he was talking about my Dad had a closet project when I was just a wee lad. He has quit such shenanigans as of late which I am proud of him for.

Well that seems to be a good update for now...Peace whatever

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