Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Some of the things that I thought about on 10/03/07

So yesterday was Lot Attendant Anti-Appreciation Day and I got 2 projects at once as well as a MOD saying they were going to write me up for not doing my actually job instead of the projects issued by other managers. So what is a lot boy to do but get fucking bitched at from all angles. So I buttoned up and did all the fucking shit that had to be done with a lot of help from people that I think I can actually call friends at work. But, there were the fun moments Silver and I found a hawk that was exciting until it turned out to be a Grouse. But hey it was fun while it lasted.

I actually work with a guy by the name of Tony Kneecaps I figured I throw that out there because I find it fucking funny.

I woulld just like to say that people that park in the fire lane and put on their hazard lights are fucking assholes as well as fucking morons. Do they actually think that people are so naive that they will just let them pass thinking that their car broke down in such a convient parking type area. I think that the fire trucks would fucking mind when they come barelling in because the building is on fire.

I just used the word naive which I would like to point out to anyone who has never noticed before that Evian is naivE backwards, drink fucking tapwater like the rest of us normal people don't pay 3 dollars for a 20 ounce bottle because it comes from ancient fucking chinese prophet's ball sweat or whatever. Fucking douchebag rich fucks.

I would also like to point out that we have these bumper stickers that people put on their cars that is just a crossed out "W" now I'm about as Anti-Bush as the next Mother Fuckin' American but I think that we should grow some fuckin' testes and make real stickers with like a fuckin' picture of his face or all of his fucking initials. Why not GWB in there crossed out. Now I will come to the meat of why I think this. Now, pretend that you are a German immigrant coming over to America and you are just learning the language and simple shit so you have as much American history in you as about an American 1st grader. Now you are trying to learn all this and you see a W crossed out. My first thought would be that we no longer like the letter W in our country and trying to get rid of it. This would confuse me to no extent if I were this person. Can nobody else see my point on this. Maybe I'm just fucking insane. Oh well, this is why I should no longer be allowed out in the fucking parking lot.

I would also like to state I think that I would like my name to be Claude, but not until I am about 60 years old because Claude is a kickass old dude name and Zac isn't. Can't wait until then.

We have all the Ryobi "Green" tools set up in the store to play with and I fucking love that. Playing with toys is so much fun. That fuckin' drill is powerful as all hell...

I actually think that I had more to say but it got lost in the thought process for all the shit I actually did just type...

So this all stems from things that I think about while at work...

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