Sunday, September 30, 2007

Things I thought about on 9/30

So, uh, today I kinda had to clean out a wheelie cart thing with a dead bird in it. Well, a dead bird wouldn't of bothered me but, it was swimming in about an inch of water from the recent rain and this bird has to have been sitting in this cart since at least early July-ish I am going to say. Based on how what was swimming the fucking water is a skull, feathers, and his two legs. Why did nobody notice this dead bird before a customer did yesterday and asked it be removed so they could purchase it. I don't know but I do know that I got stuck fucking cleaning it out because garden people are apparantly immune to having to clean their own department today. Silver and I did hold a quick funeral for the L'il Fucker as I have decided to name him. I was acting pastor since we didn't have one handy and said some words for the L'il Fucker..can't send him off without wings to fly on. So that was all of my excitment for the day.

These are some of the things that I think of while at work....

Oh yeah and I did get a haircut tonight which was my first in far too long since my grays have been quite prominant....just a little personal sidenote...

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