Friday, September 14, 2007

Things I thought about on 9/14

So I might have previously brought this up but can anybody let me know why The Home Depot has a janitor that does nothing. He has his goddamned "zamboni" machine that cleans the floor and then he loves. He even does that shittily and just fucking leaves piles of shit all over the place. He doesn't sweep he doesn't clean the windows. He doesn't EVEN CLEAN THE FUCKING BATHROOMS. He is fucking useless and we pay him for some unbeknownst (it's a word Google that shit motherfucker) to me. Yeah so that brings me to the biggest thing for me I think that he should hose out our trash barrels. I already have accepted that I have to change the trash but there is no fucking way that I will be hosing out the barrels. We have one that smells like fucking bile. Somebody has apparently puked in it and it's been fermenting since like the beginning of the fucking summer. And whenever I change that trash I want to puke in it myself and the smell gets on me and then affects the customer pleasure with our store. See where I'm going to bring this up to management with that comment but maybe I won't because that will just make it so that I have to fucking clean that shit for that fucking non-english speaking mother fucking sad excuse for a janitor. He doesn't even use a fucking mop. I want a janitor who will mop that's what I like to see. A janitor who busts his fucking stones for his goddamned money. Better yet he's lucky he has this fucking job he should be trying to please everyone he could be sitting outside the fucking Home Depot asking all contractors for a "yob" fucking goddamned ungrateful fuck...DO SOME FUCKING WORK MOTHERFUCKER...I'm not racist just intolerant...I believe that all races should be able to live but in their own GODDAMNED FUCKING COUNTRY COME OVER HERE LEARN TO SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH AND BE GLAD THAT WE DON'T DEPORT YOUR ASS AND GIVE YOUR JOB TO A NEEDY WHITE MAN...Fuck this blog could get me in trouble this is totally friends only...

If your shit is broken don't buy it don't ask for a would buy good stuff if you really needed it you fuckstick asshole motherfucker...

I'm really getting sick of pulling doors for someone who has nothing to do so he won't fucking do it. I'm a fat dude too so I know that you don't feel like moving from your desk but you know what I do it daily. Get the fuck up and pick something up motherfucking assfuck. It's not right that the customer had to wait around for an hour and a half because your too lazy and make up excuses until I drop all the shit that I'm doing to fucking help your lazy ass. I'm about to just fucking stop and say F.I. Fuck it man. This dude not longer abides...Watch "The Big Lebowski"....These are some of the things that affect my work day...

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