Monday, August 13, 2007

Things I thought about on 8/13

Today while I was walking around the parking lot at the Homo Depot I saw a car with a Maryland lisence plate. You know how Massachusetts plates have "The Spirit of America" and Vermont says "The Green Mountain State" or they all have the states little catch phrase or quote or what-have-you; whatever makes the state what it is; uniquities of the state. Well when I read the Maryland plate the quote actually reads "" this is how lame that states government is...they can't even think of a fuckin' quote to describe their state; just the goddamned website. They have a cool flag. They could've at least mentioned that they are the neighbor of the nation's capitol. I think that this makes Maryland one of the least creative states ever. Fuck them! These are some of the things that I think of while at work...

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