Friday, August 17, 2007

Things I thought about on 8/17

Alright so today I had to deal with people's ignorance. These people just fucking bother me all to hell. I had a woman walk up to me in the door department and hand me a number 1 in a package, one like you would put on your door for your house number and asks me, "What would I do with just one 1?" I looked at her and said that if you live at house 1 it would work wonderfully...What the Fuck. She then looks at me and says, "Do you have any more out back and don't tell me that you don't have any out there because that's what 3 other people have told me." Well, if three fucking people have told you that there are none out back then there must not be any out in the fucking back! I mean come on use your fucking head woman. Do you think that I'm gonna pull a fucking 1 from my fucking ass just because I was saving it for her? People are fucking retarded. These goddamned customers!

Another thing is that we aren't supposed to accept tips at the Home Depot, ok? People insist on offering them and most understand when I decline there pitiful fucking dollar for putting ten bags of 80 lbs. cement in the back of their Volkswagon Rabbit or whatever I did. But you still get these ignorant fuckers that try to force it on you even though your manager is just sitting right behind you and you tell them that. I once had a fucking old bag of bones stuff 52 cents into my fucking apron pocket. What the FUCK am I going to do with FIFTY-TWO CENTS?????? And I can get fired for that; for 52 fucking cents. These people just drive me nuts. Now if I just put in 20 bags of cement in your truck and we are out in the lot and you off me a 5 spot...I won't see money drop on the get it? These are some of the things that I think of while at work...

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