Monday, August 20, 2007

Things I thought about on 8/20

Yesterday while out in the parking lot pushing carts with George we were approached by a police officer who told us that he needed some help. He came up to us and said in these exact words, "I need your help. We have a missing child and need you to look everywhere. 3 Years of age. White Male. Blonde Hair....Scooby-Doo pajamas." Ok so George and I scour the parking lot for a good 25 minutes. Check the sheds, the underbrush, in between cars, everywhere. And while we are walking around we regroup with each other and start brainstorming. What the fuck kind of mother loses her child at the Wal-Mart check-out? George says that children don't just run away and hide, that he's probably hiding right in plain site...I then think that he could be hiding if she's an abusive mother. Maybe she isn't fit to have a child. This is about the time that we find out that they have found the kid inside of Wal-Mart. He was sleeping amongst the shirts in the clothing department. My first question is why did she bring her child into Wal-Mart at 4 in the afternoon in his pajamas? Why wasn't she paying better attention to the kid? You have to not be looking at the kid for about 5 or 10 minutes for a 3 year old to wander to clothing section and find a comfy spot for a nap. I hope that the police are getting further involved into this woman's parenting because I think that people like her shouldn't have fucking kids. What if some sick bastard had taken the kid and raped or killed him? He would be fucked up for the rest of his life in the head or even worse dead seeing as that's the consequences of being killed. D.S.S. should be brought into this matter to at least monitor her parenting, the kid may be better off going up for adoption. Let a family who can care for the kid take him. What the fuck woman???? Fucking people need to get their heads out of their asses when it comes to having kids...anyone can pop one out but it takes a fucking adult to be able to raise a kid.

Alright to switch subjects kind of...let's move on to today's moronic customer. I had a gentleman come up to me and call me over to ask me "Will this battery work with my charger?" I look at the Ryobi batteries and it says on the package, "Works with all Ryobi tools and chargers" and I read this to him and ask him if his charger is Ryobi and he says that it is. This does NOT take an idiot to figure out. He then continues to bramble on to me that if it doesn't work he will be coming back to throw the batteries through the windows! Now I don't know if he was trying to threaten me or what but I really could care less. I point out to him that if the batteries don't work to return them and he can get money back, but if he came to throw them through the windows a lawsuit was possible and he would be paying money then. He continued to tell me of how he will be really pissed off and he would throw them through the windows. I then told him that it would be fine with me because that just gives me job security as I will be sweeping up the glass while he was in trouble with the corporation. He then departed the store with his newly bought batteries.

One more for today. Our phone center girl that was on today is a fiesty little person to say the least. Well, she was on the phone with a gentleman and trying to explain something to him and he threatened to come down and shoot her for some reason. Now this is just fucked up and she asks for his name and number so that the lumber associate could call him back and the dumbass gave up the information. Apparantly death threats aren't a problem with the police where he's from or something. And if I have all my facts straight. The man who threatened her came in and was in his late 50's or early 60's and was quite worn out looking. I don't really see him doing much harm to anyone. I had to load up his shingles in his truck for him because he couldn't lift them up. How the fuck would he pull the trigger on a gun. Maybe these weren't the same men...correct me if I'm wrong....

These are some of the FUCKING things I think of while at work...

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